Leaving Georgetown
Suzie Too - Western Caribbean
David & Suzanne Chappell
Wed 1 Feb 2012 15:29
We have loved this place and are sorry to go, this place has so many
anchorages, beaches, snorkelling sites and walks even if we spent a month we
would only see some of it. It has a good feel, people are relaxed and there is a
great sense of community here – although it’s nickname is “Chicken Harbour” cos
lots of people make it here with ideas of going South and East, some to Cuba,
but in the end just go back to Florida.
We have spent some time with John and Julie from “Amazing Grace” and yet
again – guess what he used to do – Yes, a test pilot for the RAF, flying Jaguars
and Buccaneers, even an old Vickers Varsity (basically a revamped Wellington
Bomber), as test beds for early FLIR systems (Forward Looking Infra Red). He’d
also done some work with the French at Airbus Industries A320 and was on No 1
the prototype, and flew F16s in the states during joint training with the
Now it’s
off to Conception Island to do something – but don’t worry my child bearing
years are over – we are going to see the sharks, rays and turtles, the wind is
not really ideal, well of course it’s hot and sunny and no rain, but we have
strong winds from the east and guess which way we are going, anyway we have a
land schedule to keep to and sail we must.