Brothers in arms

Suzie Too - Western Caribbean
David & Suzanne Chappell
Wed 15 Dec 2010 20:26


That evening as we anchored in Friendship Bay we managed to get a Wi-Fi signal and downloaded our email to a great surprise - Frank & Martha on African Seawing had followed our progress and were anchored in Admiralty Bay, so a brief call on the Sat Phone and we planned to head back around to meet up with them in the morning.


As Frank said we are like “Brother in Arms after all the trials of the Amazon Rallye with the RIDS - we have very strong bonds with each other and had a lovely couple of days with them - all too brief - as they head north and towards Europe and a first grandchild on the way. Suzie Too # 3 had become the party boat and I made up Capriahna and played my Brazilian Super Vetron CD all night - just like old times as we sat reminiscing through the photo albums Suzanne had put together.

