Mass in Sine Saloum River
Up at 5.30 for a 6am start and sail down the coast towards
Gambia to the River Saloum over 60 miles away, David was pleased as we had
great winds 15-20 knots, sailing on a reach 8-9 knots. We arrived 2nd
at the anchorage in front of Djifere outside the river and waited for everyone
else to catch up. Fishermen in the Pirogues Nicholas from the RIDS came out on a pirogue (canoe) to lead
us over the sand bars into the river, the track had been sounded that morning, so
we all went in single file following very closely tension was high as we could
see sand on either side of us, anyway we all made it into the river where the
current was ripping through at probably 4 knots. We anchored in the bay
in depths of 8-12 meters, where the whole fishing village had come to great us,
then we ribbed up to the rickety pontoon to be warmly meet by the locals boat
boys where we left our boats in their hand for a few euros. Going over the sandbank Djifere is a fishing village the first thing that hits you is
the smell from the shell fish processing plant, where they just dump crate upon
crate of shellfish on the beach to dry out, the smell is pungent. You can smell
this a mile out to sea. The village has lots of children all waving at you and
wanting to hold your hands, asking you for pens, pencils and writing paper also
money. They are all trying to sell you something anything to get money as
they live in little shacks with no amenities, no toilets or showers they have a
communal area for the whole village but they usually just wash in the sea or
river. On Sunday we went to Mass, which involved a trip up the
river at 8am in a pirogue for 40 mins then on a pony & cart which took us
to the village. We then walked up to the circular church, everyone was
dressed in their Sunday best, the women in their colourful outfits and hats
also the children were dressed up too. The service was lively, lots of
singing and prayers also communion, which David and I took part in. Then
after the service a walk around the village, it is a poor village little mud
huts and animals running everywhere. Lots of children vying for our
attention, wanting sweets, pens etc and the women trying to sell you jewelry
and material. I gave a little girl my remembrance poppy which I had been
wearing, as in England it would be remembrance day service (11th
Nov). Outside church Our lunch was shrimps, then dried fish, rice and veg which
seems to be a local dish followed by green bananas all served upto us on big
blankets/mats on the ground. Sheltered from the 38 degrees by material hung
from the trees. We walked back in the baking heat to the Pirogues and they
took us to a nearby bay, so we could all have a dip before we returned to our
boats. We all ended up in the hotel bar drinking the local Flag beer reminiscing
on the day. Today we motored up river to Hakuna Matata camp 1 hours
motoring in two tracks, where we are going ashore to see mangroves, wildlife
and have a big Mechoui party. Love to all Suzanne & David xxx |