Leaving New York 40.17.900N 073.57.650W

Suzie Too - Western Caribbean
David & Suzanne Chappell
Thu 1 Sep 2011 14:52
We finally decided to leave New York although Irene had used up all the wind and clouds, she left us hot at 33 degrees and very humid. Most of the damage was caused by water, where we anchored at Rondout Creek, 7 boats sank in the marina, where Aussie anchored further up river 2 marinas had pontoons break loose and about 50 boats were a total loss.
Later as we cycled around Jersey City people were clearing mud from their basement apartments and leaving their furniture in the street for the trash. Libert Landings Marina faired reasonably well as the wind seem to have been only around 40kts, but the storm surge flooded the car park and took the bridgeheads so high it ruptured the water supply and severed the electrical supplies.
Although there is no wind, about 2kts, we are racing south as it looks like Irene’s sister is beginning to whip up some excitement mid Atlantic and we have no idea of her track yet, so are racing to Delaware Bay to get inland away from the coast.
Suzanne went with Kirstie on the bikes over on the ferry to pick up some provisions from the Gourmet Store and then she cooked up some dishes for the freezer in case the weather gets rough and got some washing done at the marina laundrette.
We had a fantastic final night, with Aussie Malcolm, ex NZ Cabinet Minister, telling us about visits by the Royal family and what fun HM Queen is. Then how he instigated the NZ America's Cup challenge, working with 3 NZ designers, Bruce Farr, Ron Holland and another designer I can’t remember. How they basically took Sir Peter de Savary’s Victory design, copied Alan Bond’s Australia 2 winged keel, mortgaged his house, and rocked up at the Wolfson Research Institute in Southampton for tank testing.
He even said he had asked his friend, Tink, in Annapolis if Bruce Farr wanted to meet with us, as we are sailing one of his designs, but he declined saying he only met with contract customers. Oh well, would be fun to see yachts being designed, but I do have the complete VPP for the boat and have entered all the values into MaxSea to make sure we are sailing to the design performance.
As he left, around 2200, our Viking friends Tomas and Kirstie came over to say goodbye and we continued drinking and chatting into the small hours.
Thank you New York – it has been fun