Laguna San Rafael

Annick & Patrick LE GOFF
Fri 9 Jan 2015 19:45
S 46:40.375 , W 73:53.248.
Ventisquero San Rafael is the northernmost tide water glacier in the southern hemisphere, it is part of the Patagonian icecap.
The laguna is accessible thru Patagonians canales, bahias and golfos. Generally wide open bodies of water easily sailable. We went down wind going  South  and same Northbound
luckily, playing the weather map (wind 0-35kn) with a lot of rain and cold temperature but it was worth it.
Ventisquero San Rafael est le glacier situe le plus au Nord de l’hemisphere Sud, il fait parti de la couverture glaciere patagoniene.
La lagune est accessible a travers les canaux patagoniens, baies et golfes. Generalement assez large pour permettre de naviguer a la voile..Nous sommes descendus vent arriere
pour le Sud et remontons Nord a la meme allure.(vent 0-35 noeuds). Beaucoup de pluies et de temperature basses mais cela valais la peine.
Approaching  Ventisquero San Rafael, the  glacier with a lot of icebergs, some of impressive dimensions
Approchant Ventisquero San Rafael, le glacier avec beaucoup d’icebergs, certains de dimensions impressionantes.
90ft long, 20ft tall. 27 m de long et 6 m de haut.
2 miles away. A 3.7 km de la moraine.
100 ft cliff.   falaise 30 m de hauteur
Got it ! je l’ai !
Aperitif ...How old is this ice cube? Aperitif....Quel age a ce glacon?