
Farr Gone Blog
Stuart Cannon
Mon 12 Sep 2011 23:08
It's definitely not the fun capital of the world or maybe it's really hard to find. It must be here somewhere but I'm finding it boring which is good in a way. It means I'm getting on with the jobs so that I'm ready to go. The Whitsunday islands beckon with a sirens call.
Been occupied with the re wiring of the boat to oz standards and installing bits. Of course there is always one cable or connector that proves troublesome so frequent, well daily anyway, drives to the Cbd for a minor connector seems to be de riguer. Sunday and Monday were taken up with the electrician fitting new power points and safety switches. Today it is her Majesties Customs that I need to deal with. Hopefully the pain is not too severe.
On top of that the list of things to take care of seems to grow daily and the jobs getting taken care of seem to be getting less. It'll be great to get to the stage of giving the boat a thorough clean. The cabins are all full of stuff that has to be moved around so that access can be had where a wire has to run or whatever. Hopefully the end of the week will bring some sanity and I'll get a chance to stow everything properly again.
Tomorrow it's the diesel mechanics turn. The motor is blowing some white smoke sometimes so this needs to be looked at and the faithful donk needs a bit of attention anyway in terms of a service. It will feel good to be on top of all these things.
On top of it being a little boring here, the weather has been ordinary. Quite cold at night and only slightly warm in the daytime. Maybe that's why it's boring, everybody is hiding from the cold. Next week promises to be warm which is something to look forward to.
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