A low ebb
Farr Gone Blog
Stuart Cannon
Mon 8 Aug 2011 02:13
pretty bad but apart from a mess below everything was ok. The seas
were big and confused so it was a case of ever onward. Around 10am on
the second day I heard a roar and suddenly the cockpit was filled with
white water and the boat was on its side being pushed across the top
of the water with the mast on the water. I could see the laptop and
Ipad fly across the cabin from where I was holding on in the cockpit
(yes Jaimie I was harnessed in). My arm is still aching from hanging
on so tight and then of course doing a long stint chained to the
wheel. The Ipad miraculously survived albeit with a big dint in the
back and the computer also fired up so at least I had that happenning.
Unfortunately the auto pilot failed to ignite and so I was left out in
these big seas unable to leave the wheel for more than a few moments.
I heaved to several times to try to minimise damage below and clean up
a bit but the waves were too big to make that a happy situation.
I made into Port Vila with an aching body and a rattled mind but I
felt good for having endured. Will B had kindly called ahead and I was
met by a friend of his who guided me to a mooring and arranged customs
etc for today. A couple of very stiff drinks, a long hot shower and I
fell asleep at around 3 in the afternnon. It was the sleep of the dead
and I didn't wake up until 6 am the next day. I thought I should write
the blog so I went to sit at the laptop but it wasn't there. I
naturally assumed I had lost my mind and searched the boat but
nothing. My Iphone and car charger were also missing along with a few
other items. While I had been asleep someone had got onto the boat and
stolen my gear. The brightside is that the boat was a mess so they
didn't see the Ipad or my wallet so I still have them. I can't believe
how much I miss those peices of electronic wizadry. While I'm here in
Port Vila I have access to wifi with the Ipad so I'm getting a bit
reestablished but I hope Karma destroys the life of the person who
committed such a low act.
Its now two days after all that and my body still feels wrung out.
Aches are everywhere so the cleanup has been a little slower than it
should be but I'm getting there