Bora Bora

Farr Gone Blog
Stuart Cannon
Mon 13 Jun 2011 02:59
Did a lap of Bora in the dinghy and checked the reefs. Had an amazing snorkel amongst thousands of brightly colored and weirdly shaped tropical fish. The water clarity is just extraordinary. The island is a beauty but there is a downside, the ubiquitous huts over the water hotels have been overdone here. They actually create a visual slum amongst the natural wonder of the place. Of course jet skis zoom around and water taxis ferry the paying people to their overwater shack or to the airport which is on a motu or small island on the outer reef. The airport is a bit like a dirt strip in the bush except it's made from coral crushings.
It's the big set off day tomorrow and I say goodbye to my Man Friday Raoul. it's been luxury having willing help and the assistance in getting anchored etc has been invaluable. On the other hand I am looking forward to some peace and quiet. Polynesian music is wonderful and fits the scene superbly. However, out of a tinny radio, ad nauseum and too loud can just about do it, add into the mix some other strange ways and its time to say its been great. Goodbye and thanks. That reads a little ungratefully which is not the case. I've had a wonderful experience here and learnt alot. It's just that I have very itchy feet and want to get going. That and my beer supply might have a chance,
The hull is clean and the boat is ready, all I need is a rubber stamp from the immigration man. The winds look favourable and the time is right.