Leavin Lauroka 17:27.97S 176:52.06E

Farr Gone Blog
Stuart Cannon
Thu 4 Aug 2011 00:28
The annoying thing about Lauroka was definitely the dirt. The boat was caked in it this morning. Really annoying because I have just cleaned the boat, well I did hire divers to clean the bottom but the topsides were sparkling until this black soot descended on the boat. Mixed with rain it turned into a black mess that you couldn't help walking through the boat. Half an hour with a bucket has it fixed.
In the open ocean once more though and it feels good. The wind is coming from the south west at around 20kts so I'm shy reaching or even nearly beating and the waves are a little side on to be relaxing but we are making 7 knots with just the headsail. I've been thinking about putting up the main but that will involve some work and hand steering so I'm being a little cruisey.
Raised the anchor at 6.15am as it was windless at the time and the wind seems to come around 7am. It made it easy to get the anchor up although an American gentleman was roused from his slumbers when I got close to his boat. The noise of the chain must have woken him. Got away without hitting anything which is always a bonus.
I diverted slightly to go sail around an island that is for sale. They are certainly available here and that one seems great value. Always of interest.