13:16.47S 162:48.56W

Farr Gone Blog
Stuart Cannon
Mon 20 Jun 2011 22:21
I started to do this entry and happenned to look at the sat phone which was connected from last time and was showing 22 hours used. Not possible, I disconnected properly etc. Naturally I freaked and thought I had used up all my precious minutes. Fortunately I hadn't, it was just the phone playing up. A sat phone is a great thing, and hopefully one day all phones use this system but the phones themselves are reminiscent of the clunkers of the eighties. Basic and troublesome. An Iphone version is needed.
The fridge has also been causing trouble and I finally discovered a bag of risotto blocking a vent and voila, it works again. I must have checked the fridge four or five times and missed it. Persistence wins.
Better go, have to negotiate my way through a coral reef into Suwarro and it looks tricky.