18:07.37S 178:25.75W Suva Yacht Club

Farr Gone Blog
Stuart Cannon
Tue 19 Jul 2011 01:52
Had a great nights sleep but was fortunately woken by a kind sailor who had noticed we had drifted. The tide had come in from when we arrived and I had underestimated the anchor chain required. The wind had changed direction and was blowing strongly. Thankfully no harm was done but we were only 20 minutes from potentially being on a reef. Not a good thing. Lady luck smiled on us and naturally the kind sailor who roused us from sleep gets a good bottle of red and profound thanks. Next time I'm overdoing the chain let out for sure. It is odd though that we had such strong holding in Tahiti but here the bottom didn't seem to like the anchor quite so much. It seems very soft and the cqr slides through it a bit.
The refrigerator is being fixed again. We have discovered some bad connections which were preventing from functioning correctly. This time for sure. What can possibly go wrong? etc etc.
Lucy and Jack are being very patient waiting around while all this is going on and we have had a couple of excursions into Suva to check out the shopping. Hopefully all repairs will be finished today and we can get out of here. The harbour and town are pretty noisy and dirty and not what we are looking for in a Fijian holiday. Jack only has four or five more days so we are keen to make the most of it.