20:44.882n 105:22.677w La Cruze de Huanacaxtle
Farr Gone Blog
Stuart Cannon
Tue 22 Mar 2011 04:31
Its the final couple of days before the big push
and if it wasn't for the last minute, well where would we be?
Provisioning is a nightmare on your own especially
when you have the culinary skills of a two year old. Never mind the stress, its
happenning and if it takes a day or two more,,,,
Weather is looking good, and the boat is almost
ready. There are never enough spares and then when something goes wrong you dont
have a spare for that particular item. Murphy was definitely an optimist when it
comes to sailing.
Today was a mixture of nightmare at Costco and
getting electrics refined. Is it going to be alright? I recently bought some
chain which had been advertised on the radio net which is on everymorning for 20
minutes. I responded and a dinghy ride out to a little 26 footer happened. The
boat was small and a bit rough. I hailed the boat and was greeted by a very
attractive blonde 20 something with a gorgeous smile. I tied the dinghy and her
boyfriend emerged to my great dissappointment, not really but its fun to
fantasize. The boat was ferro cement. He had sold the motor and the money for
the motor meant he got the boat for free. The boat is heavy, it even had a wood
fired combustion stove on board with no room below. The dinghy was a fold up
plywood affair with a small mast. The amazing part is that this couple had
sailed from Oregon and were heading for the Horn and up to the Carribean.
Without a motor the Panama canal is out. The doldrums are at their worst from
Panama to Ecuador and they think it may take a couple of months to get through
that bit as they will have to row a bit. I think of them often while I'm
stressing about the radar signal or whether the flat screen uses too much
This is the first post to a system that I hopes
works to chart the position of Farr Gone in coming months. It apparently
works over sat phone so lets hope.
Stu 21/3/11