0:00,00N 127:28.00W

Farr Gone Blog
Stuart Cannon
Sat 9 Apr 2011 13:49
Special World Waistband edition from the
Finally made it. around midday utc or 5am local we
slowly crossed the equator marking at least an important point in the voyage.
It's been a slow and frustrating four days to get here and the wind is so light
the boat is still within 100 metres of the line. I considered hanging around
till dawn to see if the black line was there but I've just decided to leave the
mystery alone and keep going. Still progress is slow so we may still be sitting
in the same spot in several hours.
From here? I have reasonable stocks of fuel but not
for long sustained motoring and Warren tells me that the wind will fill in given
another day of drifting so I'll probably wait for that. We shall see if the
winds are favourable but a quick stop at the Marquesas might be a great thing.
After the Marquesas Islands there is an archipelego called the dangerous Isles
or Tuamoto which are low lying reefs between Marquesas and Tahiti. I was always
concerned about these as I'm on my own and wouldn't have a coral lookout which
is pretty essential around these coral reefs. In fact many south Pacific Islands
have fringing reefs so getting to anchor in many places on my own will be
difficult. This was the main reason behind me aiming for Samoa. A lot further
but easier for the solo sailor. The point that I will most likely never be here
again makes it almost mandatory that I stop and have a look.
So there we are, one hurdle jumped, tributes to
King Neptune made and plans forming for the next few weeks. Aint life