15:34.18S 147:57.00W

Farr Gone Blog
Stuart Cannon
Tue 3 May 2011 16:47
A beautiful evening was spent drifting along at 3 to 4 knots under a canopy of stars with a flat sea as we negotiated the channel on the north side of Rangiroa. We then turned to head due south to pass Makatia Island to the east. From what we could gather South East winds will build down closer to Tahiti so we hopefully will be well positioned for the push into the island. At present we are confronted by a large tropical revolving storm so we have altered course to avoid it. Looks like heavy rain and lightening inside it and its so pleasant out here it would be a pity to spoil it.
There is nothing like a clear tropical sky especially as there was no moon last night, only the occasional meteorite to provide distraction. The stars were like a carpet of white, so bright that they reflected off the surface of the water.
The 200 miles to Tahiti should only take a day or a little more but everything is on a go slow out here and progress is half normal so two days is expected. No schedule to keep, no problem.