17:46.22S 177:22.56E

Farr Gone Blog
Stuart Cannon
Fri 22 Jul 2011 20:26
Denerau is tourist central. It is near all the major resorts here and the marina has a lot of restaurants, shops, bars etc, which usually is anathema to me but will serve well for preperations for the final push and the kids are pretty happy about it so all is good. The weather on the other hand isn't. Its blowing hard and there have been the occasional downpours. This is the dry side of the island and its not supposed to rain.
The marina is very full and we were lucky to get a berth. Sadly our boat is the poor cousin to the mega boats that are here. I mean to say we don't even have a spa on board! Its quite entertaining to walk up and down the dock and check out how the obscenely wealthy live and of course we feel no shame being so insignificant.
There is only a few days left before seaman Cannon heads home so we are trying to make the most of his time. Some small adventures are in order I think. After he leaves Lucy and I will do some chores and some travel. It's great being at the marina as its so easy to clean things and get organised. There are a couple of minor repairs (as usual) to take care of and this is the perfect place for it.