00:08.06S 127:42.20W
Farr Gone Blog
Stuart Cannon
Sat 9 Apr 2011 21:26
Have I been released? Too early to tell but a good
breeze from the se is currently driving us at 5.5kts Speeds unheard of in recent
memory. Fingers are crossed that this is real wind for a while so I can get some
mileage at last.
The wind has only just filled in so it was another
very low mileage day but thats what you get in the doldrums. It's not so bad ,
the doldrums, you learn to accept little or no movement but the spirits do lift
considerably when the boat gets a tilt and the sound of rushing water can be
heard again.
It does at times feel remarkably removed out here.
I'm in a little tuperrware container miles out to sea with no knowledge of
current events and the only communication is by this little screen via written
emails. I can make and recieve phone calls but these are limited and its
important to save that till it's needed, hopefully never.It's all way better
though than so many who have crossed this ocean before. Having a sat phone and
chart plotter probably would have spoilt Joshua Slocum's sail, he did it with an
old tin clock to navigate with. It wont spoil my sail as comforts like these
make life at sea way safer. Certainly less concerned about the
Have a feeling I was celebrating prematurely, wind
may be easing, nooooooh!