Port Denarau Fiji

Farr Gone Blog
Stuart Cannon
Mon 25 Jul 2011 20:19
Lucy is still here and is being great as her cheerful disposition and skills in the galley are much appreciated. The time here has been great for reflection on the whole trip as there are so many things that have slipped into memory in the last 10 months. There are friendships made, strange and wonderful places visited and cultural differences experienced. My pride at being only one of five people to have a Suwarro stamp in my passport, the pleasure I get from recollections of the kindness shown by so many and the dreamlike times at sea all combine to make me feel really good about the time I've had. It is a little disconcerting to contemplate the end of the journey but it feels like time to get back and get real.
Today is for more chores such as laundry, inside cleaning etc. Tomorrow we are planning to play tourist and go to a resort for the day to sit by a pool and drink cocktails and generally enjoy the hard life. The week will be a combination of getting ready for the last push home and having a holiday with Lucy. Having Lucy to help with the shopping is a plus.