After I sent my last post the sky kept darkening. As it was only early I had to wait until the marina opened at 8 am and of course as a final treat and reminder of what I'd been through, another electrical storm started. This time the winds only got to twenty five knots but just for variation some hail decided to drop on me. Mixed with torrential rain this made waiting on the wheel very unpleasant. There was quite an element of thrill when the marina finally answered the radio and I could proceed to tie up. Just for fun the marina was full but they found me a spot near the travel lift which involved steering between pylons just wide enough for the boat to get through and making a very sharp ninety degree turn to tie up to a walkway which isn't really a berth. Fortunately we made it without incident and the watching yachts were full of praise for my boat handling skills and naturally I accepted their compliments with grace and neglected to tell them how I was shitting myself during the operation. It was extremely tricky especially in the strong wind but one of this boats qualities is it's ability to turn in it's own length so it was more a case of a great boat than a skillful handler.
It feels so good to be tied up and dry again after the last few days of continuous work. A long hot shower followed by breakfast and a long sleep are the only plans for the day.
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