14:58.01S 147:38.23W

Farr Gone Blog
Stuart Cannon
Thu 28 Apr 2011 17:57
The boat has had its bikini line waxed so those barnacles, all on one side due to being on port tack for days on end, are all gone and the boat looks pristine again. Amazing how quickly the slime, barnacles and muck accumulate and how bad it looks. I should have photographed it at its worst but didn't get the chance as all were working flat out to get the boat ship shape.
Todays mission is to find fresh water so that the full luxury can be enjoyed with hot showers etc. We are parked near a 250 foot amazing motor yacht. Any one of its four tenders would have cost what I paid for Farr Gone. It would take so many superlatives to describe the boat that the word good would be diminished to uselessness. Of course the whole idea of it is anathema to my preferences, I mean for heavens sake the crew have their own chef, but you cant help but be amazed by such conspicuous wealth. The light show last night was wild with underwater lights and all forms of decklighting and done with great taste (if thats possible). Obviously many designers involved. It has excellent wifi but as yet we havent cracked the password and its probable that some nerd genius has set it up so you cant. To our port side is one of those grand a night bungalow over the water type resorts. We are anchored probably 100 metres from the most seaward one and I know that if I was paying a grand a night for that room and some bastard in a boat like this parked where I am I would spend the week writhing in envy. I feel lucky. Of course luck is a difficult word. It was tough getting here, many would have found the discomfort and fatigue too much, but now that I've had a good sleep it's possible to reflect back more benignly and enjoy the acheivement as it should be. Flying in by plane would diminish the awareness of location and that alone makes the place incredible.
Most of all its the colour of the water. The water coral bottom and the blue sky combined with the clarity makes a breathtaking effect. I'm feeling the need for a swim, gotta go.