7:38.10N 121:23.71W

Farr Gone Blog
Stuart Cannon
Sat 2 Apr 2011 21:31
Big excitement for day 9 at sea. Light and
variable winds, lumpy seas and occasional rain. If you stay to the north west of
the storms its ok. Over the other side of the equator its the south east. Last
night I got snuck up on and it was quite vigorous. No the excitement today is
the visit of a fishing boat. Scary as hell as this chinese and extremely rusty
jalopy of a fishing boat altered course and appeared to be on collision.
Naturally the mind wanders to thoughts of piracy on the high seas. Fortunately
all they wanted was to say hello to break the monotony of their voyage and it
provided a diversion for me as well.
Not really big excitement is it? Ok well its not
all that exciting when the boat rock and rolls in a dead sea but we make steady
progress. Today is steak night on Farr Gone. Might even come with a side order
of mash potato. Depends on the state of the water, that one. Handling boiling water in a lumpy sea is frought with dangers.
The boat has consumed surprisingly little fuel if
the fuel gauge is correct. I'm concerned that its the same kind of gauge you get
in Toyotas, I had a Hi Ace with one, that takes for ever to use the first half
of the tank and then all of a sudden the tank is empty. Even so it seems like
there is adequate fuel on board especially if the sailing continues right across
the ITCZ
Details 7:38.10N 121:23.79W bearing 217 magnetic.
The choice of bearing is being influenced more by the variable direction of the
wind than anything else at present. The 71 miles of the last 24 hours are the
slowest yet but thats the itcz for you. Yesterday was 157 and the day before
(with correction for dogleg, but my math could be wrong) 183. The rest are all
around 130 to 150.