
Farr Gone Blog
Stuart Cannon
Sat 1 Oct 2011 02:37
The blog has been neglected lately and I regret that. For the last few weeks I have been wrestling a large black dog and its been very hard to write. Gradually I am winning but it aint easy. Ending a twenty five year marriage is never easy I guess especially when its not what you want. Funny thing is this breakup has really been going on for nearly ten years, sounds stupid doesn't it, but hindsight is easy and a lot of effort has been put in to see if it could work. Unfortunately it takes two and that didn't happen so here we are. At least I have the sailing and it has been a lifesaver and it gives me something to look forward to. It also gives the ultimate "quality" time with the kids which has been great. I am blessed by three of the most wonderful children who make life fun and who have been treated to experiences that few ever have with their time on Farr Gone.
The departure from Bundaberg was difficult. We first went to leave on Wednesday and we were in the process of throwing the lines when I tried to engage reverse to leave. Unfortunately the shift lever had stripped a gear selector and the gearbox wouldn't engage. This meant replacing the shift/throttle which was done relatively quickly, thanks to the great help of Gary from Marine Torque. Pity was that it delayed our departure so we had to wait another couple of days for favourable winds as we missed the window. We knew the wind would be on our nose but we got in before the promised thirty knots materialised. The wind is howling in the rigging now so we are relieved to be tied up securely in the Keppel Bay marina. The autopilot should be fixed on Monday morning and we will finally be off to explore some islands and have some fun.