Sri Lanka unexpected bonus.

arrived in As
the Penguin crew know by now that we don’t slow down to achieve our
arrivals At
first light, we usually just try to sail faster and arrive for a gin and tonic
at sun Down.
I put all the Blame for the G&T habit on Penguin down to Ian
Mansfield, Of
course Niamh has taken over now as Ian’s protégé. I digress, but one
has To
share the responsibilities for these Rituals amongst all who have created
them. Back to
fishing boats were driving full speed straight at us, at the time we had Penguin
powered up doing 7 to 8 knots as a result we where converging very
quickly. The reason for their desperate charge at
us was not to board us but to trade their
fish And
coconut for beer. The transfer over
between vessels after the deal was
complete Proved
to be fun. We knew we were in for a
good time in People
where fun if not a little desperate. And finally to
Still got a Terrorist problem and two weeks
before our arrival their had been a bomb at The main airport in
As a result it is fully patrolled with boats lights and
machine guns, the Pilot book states That a morning arrival is necessary. After 8 days beating
to windward the prospect of Sitting out at sea for another 12 hours did not appeal
very much. I had spotted a
little Semi protected anchorage on the side of the bay and not
to close to the harbour to get The Navy boys to twitche with their triggers. So it was
with a little apprehension that Penguin was guided to the side of the bay the search
light from the Navy base shinning At us to check out who we were. It seems that nobody ever
wants to communicate with A Yacht on channel 16 in these foreign ports. It would
appear that we did not arouse To much suspicion and the guns remained silent as
penguins anchor finally touched down In the sand.
The sun was well down but
G&T and Rum came out to celebrate our arrival. After a lovely
peaceful nights sleep the following morning we had to get into
the Harbour and also make contact with the local agents who
Handle all dealings with Port, Immigration, Customs ect for you. So after spending an
hour circling outside the entrance Off the harbour we were finally boarded by the local
officials then allowed to enter the Harbour. The harbour was the complete opposite to our
smart marina experiences this was a commercial harbour mainly used for unloading
cement and by the local the fishing fleet
Their had also recently been a ship wreck outside the harbour wall a
large barge Carrying a dredging crane on its way to the
Swell against the rocks as a result their was a fair
amount of oil and debris about, once Tied up we had the pleasure of loud explosive depth
charges being set off at night to keep Any sabotage divers away, we also had the Navy boys
wandering around fully armed. A Can or two of beer was needed to make each of
the officials happy for our papers to be Completed. As hard as
we had tried Ailes had not been convinced that sailing was the best form of
Transport, and as soon as she reached dry land made haste to get her flight booked
back To The last eight day`s beating to windward even on the
Fastnet Race they only make you do That for 2or 3 days. So it would appear that we failed to
convert her to the joys of Sailing
Disappointed in any way. The people where very friendly
great characters some of the girl’s so beautiful with lovely skin and fasces,
the men might have been hansom but you Would have to read Niamh Diary for an opinion on that.
After the usual couple of days Working on the boat getting things sorted out we took up
our local Minders/agent offer To go on a tour around part of the Country to
see the sights, Ancient Civilisation’s City, The temples for one Far out
did anything we had seen in The Sacred Shrine containing the Buda’s tooth
hundred year old inner Inside
Mary Poppins at work, Seems as if everyone in the world likes to have a
picture taken.
Moongoose 1300
year old wall paintings of concubines in the ancient city ruins
Cigerrea .Q Queen
for a Day. Happy out Elephants from a sanctuary out for the day.
Buying Cashew Nuts from roadside vendors a picture of
beauty. So
their it is Numbers of
buildings destroyed by the wave. Our Mr Fixit Marlyn home was badly
damaged and he still had no electric,
He was lucky that all 4 of his kids survived as they had all been smashed
into and been separated most of the kids only found after they were identified
at the hospital. So the Quick pull in to Restock and take a quick look see turned into a very
rewarding stay. But Three years is
no time at all In
the scheme of things and Another of Niamh`s friends Dr De was meeting us in
Seychelles on the 3rd September so their was no time to dawdle. Onwards The
Maldives awaits, That’s another story so BFN.