Wed 30 Nov 2005 12:05
Day 10 (I think)
Hi to Ben & Sam, and anyone else reading
Here we are, bobbing along merrily.
Two days ago no wind at all, so we swam, in water
4538m deep - no one could touch the bottom! No shark attacks or any other
wildlife seen at the time. Yesterday hit the trade winds and now
rocking along at 7-8knots, blue sea, blue sky, waves about 6ft high with
whitecaps on, wind a little on the fresh side at around 25knots. Nearly
cracked the 200mile in a day barrier, but not quite (14 miles short).
Should be there soon, at this rate!
No fish caught, probably as going too fast, but did
have a couple of visitors - two flying fish arrived, one landing on deck and the
other managing to fall through the hatch into the cabin.
Clare made bread yesterday -pretty good it was,
too. Eaten with lovely homemade bean casserole by Jackie. The boat
must already be a few centimetres higher out of the water than when we started
because of all the food we've eaten, so we're still managing to tuck it away and
staying fit & healthy.
We all had the worst nights sleep last night ever,
as boat rolling around all over the place. So a short log today as rather
tired. Will catch up more next time, with update on the pigeon plus
a run down of a typical day on the life of a Penguin.
The crew.