River Trip

Wed 7 Sep 2005 14:18
Penguin in the Guily Glaz lock
Sunday Sept 04
Started our 'African Queen' trip with skipper Indianna Jones up the river L'Aulne from Brest.  This took us some 25 miles inland on a voyage of discovery from very shallow waters to ducking under large overhead power cables!  Stopped overnight half way up
Monday - Arrived at the Guily Glaz lock at 1700hrs on second attempt to get there before the tide beat us.  Tied up at Port Launay for the night Did a hike to Chateaulin and ran back at 2200hrs some 2 miles to get the weatherfax broadcast for the Biscay trip.
Tuesday - Travevelled down river with the flow and got to Camaret for 1500hrs.
Will wait here for the right forecast before we cross the Bay of Biscay hopefully starting Friday.  Looking forward to warmer weather in Spain.
From her lady ship. First attempt at bread making today about to go in the oven hope it's more successful than our fish catching. I did catch site of
two German men on boat having an al fresco shower though.I looked the other way of course. For anyone thinking of going to sea like us so far(early days though)
I shall give it 9.5 out of 10. Thanks for all your emails. Jak