weve arrived

Jim / Elaine Soens
Wed 25 Dec 2013 02:40
17.00.N 61.45.8W
We arrived at 3.30pm local time { 4 hours behind u.k. time} on xmas eve. All very pleased that the journey has ended
Anchored in Falmouth Harbour Antigua. hot footed it to the only shop here then had a coffee at dockside bar
just been out for a meal had xmas carols sung by local choir all very christmassy
no where as busy as it was 4 years ago
had a lot of rain for the last 2 days and nights, monsoon type of rain, then thunder & lightning all night
off to morrow for the English harbour xmas bbq party hope the rain stays away
the grand children wanted xmas dinner- then inform me they don't like veg & don't want potato ,meat & chipolta
sausages will do fine-what sort of dinner is that! they don't even like xmas pud or trifle or mince pies or xmas cake.
but its so nice to be here, safe & sound and hopefully the first nights sleep in 12 days