the day before

Jim / Elaine Soens
Sat 25 Nov 2006 17:13
It started on monday with the dinner and dance for arc participants then on wednesday we
had the fancy dress we all dressed as big cats from the catamaran ( it was a circus theme)
hope we can load the picture for you all to see.Jim went as the big hunter he refused to have his face
painted but he looked quite good anyway. The elephants won from yacht FLYING START from south wales
they where really good.They had died some paper white coveralls to a grey colour and the wore a pink tu tu
and had a card elephant face.
Last night was the farewell party I came away early-couldn't stand the pace. During the day we have had
seminars to go to as well as getting the boat ready, its nearly sinking with the added weight where carrying.
Yesterday we went for a test sail to try out the new Parasail and would you believe we had little wind 2-4 knots
anyway we think we have the gist of it, it's quite impressive when flying .
Les has bought another fishing reel and a really strong line plus another pink lure, we should have
fish every day for dinner! he says he's looking for a mermaid!
The weather has turned to-day it's the tail end of the awfull weather in the U.K.
we have had a morning of rain would you believe wash day and the launderette here has had water problems
the queue to use the machines was out the door anyway decided to wash all the bedding on board and hope
for the rain to clear -which it did thank goodness.
the catamarans are to-gether here in a small marina adjacent to the main marina there about 20 cats
next to us we have THE QUEEN OF HEARTS a Lagoona with an all female Norwegian crew, 8 of them
the other side is another Lagoona called JOY OF SIAM which will be carrying on to Thialand where the English owner lives.
To night there is a firework display and before this where all booked for a nice meal last one for a while, tomorrow
Pam leaves us but wishes us safe journey, we will see her again in St Lucia in about 3 weeks time.
The racing yachts go first to-morrow 12-40hrs then the cruising yachts at 13.00hrs, and the king of Spain has come to send us off.
We have been told we will have 10 to 15 foot waves for 48hrs so I'm off to take the stugeron, double dose I think.
speak to you on route and many thanks for the e-mails wishing us luck