Journeys End

Jim / Elaine Soens
Wed 7 Oct 2009 11:35
36.33N 31.57E
We reached journeys end at 14.00hrs on Sunday after
a last couple of very nice warm days when we all enjoyed being on deck again
after all the cold weather we had farther up the Aegean Sea. We were approaching
Rhodes when I last wrote and duly arrived to find 'no room at the inn' so to
speak. The Marina was full so it was a choice of carrying on to Turkey or
anchoring in the commercial harbour with the passenger liners and ferries which
didn't sound very exciting but turned out really nice with a small bay near the
old town. Had a walk round the town after a swim to cool down. Rhodes has
changed a lot since Den & I were last here, very touristy &
commercalised now but still a charming and picturesque old walled town.
Had the worst dinner of the trip in the town square, (weather gods and food gods
not looking after us this trip).
Sailed off for Finiki in Turkey at 07.00hrs to
a lovely warm and calm morning and this time it stayed that way all day.
Arrived at 17.30hrs and again the marina was full so we anchored in a beautiful
bay about 1 mile from the marina. Beautiful place and were greeted by a
turtle who came to suss us out. Very camera shy and disappeared the minute
I brought the camera out. Not much life around, very small
settlement but spotted a nice looking taverna on the front, went ashore in
the dingy and were met by the very friendly and hospitable owner who with his
wife were about to shut up shop. Stayed and cooked us a lovely BBQ with
nice fresh salad and chips. What a difference to the Greek islands, much
friendlier and cheerful people.
Off at 07.00 on Saturday morning after saying
goodbye to this idyllic cove. Another beautiful warm and calm day and we are
surprised how the weather has changed the further South we travel. Arrived
in Kas at 17.00hrs in a very busy bay, lots of
water skiers and pleasure boats bombing about but it all came to a sudden halt
at 18.00 and we were the only ones left. Had a visit from the chef from a
nearby Gullet (Turkish sailing boat) who wanted to know all about us and Jenna
and wanted a guided tour. Nice lad and full of good humour. Lovely and
peaceful till we finished dinner on deck and then the parties onshore
started. A very loud pop band near us played till 03.00hrs the following
morning. Didn't keep Issy awake but all the others suffered.
Sailed off at 06.45 for our last day at sea after
27 days. Sailed across Antalya Bay to Alanya. Beautiful day again and if the
weather stayed like this we could keep going
indefinitely. Arrived in the Marina which Jenna is staying in for the next
year at least, at 14.00hrs. Journeys end and we all have mixed
feelings. Jim & Elaine are happy to have arrived safely and without
mishaps and also pleased to get off the boat for a while after nearly 6
months aboard from the Caribbean. Dennis & Issy had a fantastic trip
despite some horrendous weather and are very grateful to J & E for giving
them the opportunity to do it as otherwise we would never have done anything
like this in the lovely and very comfortable Jenna.
An update on Alanya will follow.
The Happy Wanderers