one more week

Jim / Elaine Soens
Sat 9 May 2009 19:33
Where still in Antigua the racing has finished and
boats are on the move
quite a number across to the Azores more than I
thought, Falmouth Harboour is
quite desterted now, quite a change from the
razamataz of the previous 2 weeks
We await Simon & Joy from Cyprus flying in on
Wednesday, we shall give them a day
to recover from the flight then hopefully we will be off too.
The weather has been very unsettled here this past
2 weeks very rough out to sea
and loads of squalls coming through, it's given it
to settle a little by Monday!
We came down from Jolly harbour a few days ago and
had 7- 9' seas to-wards the south end of the island.I hope it improves for
Simon & Joy - they may never sail again- this
is their first time