it's warm

Jim / Elaine Soens
Wed 28 Mar 2007 22:01
Bequia was lovely certainly a place to go back to, we stayed a couple of days then sailed for Mustique an easy sail
and quite a short hop.
Mustique is another lovely place took a tour of the island - about an hour- drooling over the celebs homes
We stayed a couple of days the swimming was good . Jim cleaned the boats bottom ,the weed grows on it
daily the anti fouling we had done in Palma was none existent by the start of the ARC and it's been quite a
chore to keep her free of growth.
We left Mustique in low cloud and it wasn't long before we had rain, it rained on and off for most of the day,
pity really as we headed for Tobago Cays but it was not as inviting with the low cloud and rain so we kept on
going -we will have to come again. We ended up in Union Island where we had to check out with customs and immigration we stayed the night
anchored in Clifton behind Newlands Reef. The water is turquoise blue.
Next morning still raining we headed for Grenada and had a really good sail down, where in Prickly Bay
the sun is shining and its getting warmer! Off to visit the chocolate factory and rum factory to-morrow what a combination,and hopefully have
lunch out at a plantation. We plan to leave on Friday heading for Los Testigos will have to practice the Spanish!. It is a long sail about 85miles
we plan to leave about midnight and get there in good daylight as it has rocks and reefs to navigate.