day six

Jim / Elaine Soens
Tue 17 Dec 2013 14:19
16.58.987N 040.55.171W
Had an interesting day yesterday, the wind came on the stern so not much sailing so Jim decided to put up the dreaded parasail
it took some doing as the sea is still rocking and rolling but up it went and so did our boat speed from 7-8 k to 12-15k
sailed well all day then the debate - should we take it down for the night? we where going so well we decided to leave it up-big mistake, at about 22.00hrs the wind came like a banshee from a northerly direction and the sail ripped right up the middle
we managed to get it down like a military operation Jim giving James and I instructions from the bow we where controlling the lines from the cockpit the noise was awful wind howling sea roaring and the sail snapping and crackling in the wind
James thought it was exciting Jim & I didn't and sleep a lot slept through it!
Earlier that day Jim was in the engine room operating the water maker the hatch to the engine room is at the stern, a rogue
wave broke over the stern sending a water fall into the engine room it all happened in seconds , Jim emerged like a drowned rat
we all thought it was hilarious. Not much else has happened, we get 1 dead flying fish on deck each morning thats about it
we've seen no other wildlife since leaving the Cape Verdes, there we had the company for quite a while of a large pod of dolphins playing on the waves and in and out of the two pontoons on the bow jumping over the bigger waves and some flipping up in the air.
Where well over half way now 1190miles to go and 1903miles done since Lanzarote
Nothing much else to report still having a mixed bag of weather squally showers then blue skies winds from 10 - 25k
mainly around 15k going to get some sleep now only had 2 hours last night