Ibiza 1

38:46.9N 01:25.5E
In anchorage at Espalmador.
We spent the last 26 hr motoring from Cartagena. Pretty dull from the sailing point of view, but the weather was so benign, with almost no wind and no waves, it made sense to press on and get here. A long haul. I had been on watch from departure, around noon until 8 pm, and was supposed to take over again from midnight, but Lesley found me asleep, and left me alone until 5 am! She did the whole night on her own! I then took over, and we arrived her around 2 pm. A beautiful bay, and we are all alone here. The waters are beautifully clear, “like the Carribean”, but a little colder! No swimming for us. The plan is to go to Ibiza tomorrow, as I have this “passport problem”, but I suspect it will take longer to resolve than I would like. We need to get to Sardinia, so will ‘skip through’ the Balearics, hoping to come back one day. Provided you anchor in the bays, it looks like a great destination in the season, with lots of options, and beautiful places to visit.
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