8th June St Tropez to Home (Portes de Bormes)

Richard Martin
Wed 10 Jul 2013 16:26
43 07N 06 22E
We left our anchorage off St Tropez, early Monday morning. It looked like we might get a sail back with some 10knots of wind blowing. Having cleared the bay of St Tropez the wind promptly dropped leaving us having to motor again. The last week has been pretty much flat calm so lots of motoring and little sailing.
It was a very hot day so we decided to stop at lunch time and anchor off, just by Cap Negra.
Cap Negra is were Nicolas Sarkozies wife Carla's family has its large holiday home perched on the cliff top.
The afternoon was spent cooling off with frequent swims before motoring the last three miles back to base.
Well we are now back having done 1100 nautical miles. Sealion needs some TLC, she is a very dirty, one of the winches needs an urgent service, The engine/propeller is vibrating a little more than usual etc. Anyway we will now rest and potter around the area/local islands until Sealion is hauled out on the 30th July for her annual service/antifoul etc.
Like the UK it is hotter than normal here with 30+ degrees every day, so we have our extra shade tent up in an attempt to keep the boat cool.
Blog entries may be a little less frequent as we potter around locally and catch up with all our friends down here - more drinking and eating!!