16th & 17th Port Miou/Cassis

Richard Martin
Mon 17 Aug 2009 19:23
We set off down the coast for Cassis. It is incredibly rugged with a number of Calanques/inlets sunk deep into the cliffs. We looked into Port Miou, which is really a Calanque just before Cassis. It was so nice that we tied up to a buoy and the cliff wall. The water is lovely and clear' so is great to swim off the back of the boat.
This morning we woke up to find our bedding and mattress damp - after taking out various panels we discovered that the shower hose on the stern steps was not switched off properly and under pressure had been dribbling down the side of the Lazerette and found its way into the space behind our bed and then onto the bedding. Having fixed the problem we needed to dry out' so have stayed another day.
We took advantage of this and walked into Cassis. A lovely town but really very crowded - just as well we didn't try the marina either as it was very small and didn't look as if it had any space for visitors. 

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