At Last.

Philippides III
Chris & Carol Jackson
Thu 22 Apr 2010 16:16
Well, we are off! We left Preveza at 0730 this
morning for the 200 mile trip across the North Ionian Sea with a hoped for
landfall of Rocella Ionica, an inconspicuous little half finished marina on the
SouthEast side of the foot of Italy. It is now 1915 and Carol is off watch and I
am on until 2200, then it is 4 hours on and 4 off, a punishing little number,
thats why we are picking up Arthur in Sicily, with three of us it is 4 on and 8
off, much better. We have had fairly rubbish wind today, our heading is South
West and the wind is coming from about 10 degrees off that so we are motor
sailing at 6.4 knots and have 130 miles to go, should arrive late tomorrow
afternoon, for a good nights sleep before going for the Messina Straits on
Saturday. Weather fine but cool in th wind.
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