At Anchor, Batnavi Bay, Pentecoste Island

The Adventures of the Good Ship Equinox
Cate and Chris Galloway
Mon 29 Aug 2011 08:05
Position at 1300 VST: 15.39.8720S
Hi All,
We have moved just a short distance down the coast
from Loltong, where we had a very pleasant stay. This morning we went ashore to
buy some locally made bread in the village, and then found ourselves being taken
on the Cook's tour by Matthew, son of Chief Richard. A few interesting things
emerged from the visit, namely the willingness of the villagers to try and
improve thier place, and their central office- a new, sparkling building which
has satellite internet available. We were offered access to the internet, but
this couldn't be achieved because the President of the village council has put a
lock on the power outlet for the server and he wasn't around to open it up and
turn it on. Overall, we had a pleasant overnight visit and enjoyed the company
of some nice people.
Late morning we weighed anchorand motored the hour
or so down to Batnavi Bay, where we dropped the pick and got straight into
school for the afternoon. After a short swim, we then eaded across to SF for
Banana Cake and tea, which then turned into banana cake and rum. Just home, we
are settling in for a quiet night in a calm anchorage.
Tomorrow we will head down the coast to Waterfall
Bay for a short walk and visit to a waterfall, and then on to Homo Bay, where
the famous land divers of Pentecoste do their thang. Unfortunately the divers
only dive in April and May when the vines are supple enough to stretch and not
break (an obvious reason to stop) , so we will see the towers but not the
action. Apparently the Queen visited one year in July and a brave fellow dived
for her. After he impacted the ground, apparently he was picked up and carried
around by his oppos, then last seen staggering off into the jungle and was
never seen or heard of again.
So, we are behind on school; after we visit Homo we
will head across to Malakula Is where we will hang for a few days at Banam Bay
to do school, some maintenance, and generally escape the "noise" of fleet
cruising for a while.
Hope all is well at home, until tomorrow,