Life on a Lean

The Adventures of the Good Ship Equinox
Cate and Chris Galloway
Thu 20 Aug 2009 06:12
Position at 1600 AEDT 13:43:95S
The wind has finally abated some and we are
powering along doing 6-7knots under a triple reefed main and 20% genoa. The aim
of the exercise is to be through the Jomard Passage into the Louisiades by about
mid-afternoon tomorrow. Another night at sea after tonight probably won't go
down too well with the crew.
Today has been a bit of a no-day, with everyone
going into hibernation to ride out the rough weather. Kids weren't even
interested in a DVD!
Everyone is going well, looking forward to cold
beer and hot shower at anchor tomorrow night,
Until then, like Porky Pig... Ba da ba da badats
all folks!