Asanvari - No More Schedules, Ever!

The Adventures of the Good Ship Equinox
Cate and Chris Galloway
Thu 25 Aug 2011 07:46
Position at 1430 VST: 15.22.4331S
At Anchor Lawi Bay, Asanavari, Maewo Island. here
until about Sunday.
Hi All,
Another day of extremes - we sailed across to
Asanvari today, more headwinds. We have decided that the rally schedule is a
pain in the proverbal, and that we will NEVER allow it to dictate our movements
unless the weather is favourable. The sail today though exhilarating, was not
good for the boat and we now have a headsail furler problem as a result. It's
not a biggie, but annoying nonetheless.
At the other end of the scale is Asanvari. The
welcome we have received at the village this afternoon was very warm indeed, and
we have been "adopted" by our host family Mark and Agnes (+ their six kids)
for the the duration of our visit here, which should last until Sunday. There
was a gift exchange and Cate scored a bright tropical dress - not quite her
style, but she wears it well....There is another island feast tomorrow night
with some kustom dancing and a string band. Woohoo! The natural beauty
here is quite spectacular and includes a waterfall where all the ladies do their
washing. In fact, all the rally ladies will be meeting ashore to wash at 0900
On a more prosaic note, in response to some
requests for the info, the broad plan we have for the next couple of months is
as follows:
Cruise Vanuatu until 23 Sep (should be around Port
Vila from about 16 Sep)
Passage to the Loyalty Is/New Caledonia 23-25
Cruise New Cal waters until about 25
Depart Noumea for Bundaberg arriving around 1
And the watermaker is fine - turns out it was only
airlocked from the bashig around we did the other day, All good.
So, until tomorrow, TTFN!