On the Road Again

The Adventures of the Good Ship Equinox
Cate and Chris Galloway
Tue 17 Nov 2009 06:29
Course 120 Speed 6 knots under spinnaker and full mainsail. Conditions sunny and calm.
Dear All,
We departed Townsville this morning farewelled by a largish crown from Eveready, Mahi Mahi, Marathon Lady and Ashemykayan. Given that it was 0630, it was an impressive turn out. We motored until early afternoon and now we have a 10 knot seabreeze pushing us gently along our track. At this speed we should be into the northern Whitsunday Is Group by first light tomorrow.
Our plan is to stay at sea to make as many miles as we can to Rosslyn Bay, where we hope to arrive sometime on Thursday afternoon - we will see how we go!
Everyone is having a big relax today and settling back into the laid back fine-weather passage routine. I think the kids are turning into teenagers with the amount of sleep they get!
Until tomorrow, TTFN