The Croc Hunter

The Adventures of the Good Ship Equinox
Cate and Chris Galloway
Sun 16 Jan 2011 06:59
Finally at anchor, Water Fall Bay
Hi, this is Grace.
Today has been a pretty full on day. First, thanks to super high winds during the night, our dinghy flipped. Dad righted it and then paddled around looking for the missing shoes. The Croc Hunter at work. He couldn't find all of them so I get a new pair of thongs. Yay! The container we use to hold the bug reppellent stick got blown over and there was raw rice every where. It took a little while to clean it all up. Dad and Auntie Marie decided it might be a good idea to open up the outboard to dry it out. We then moved to another bay because it was getting windy. We also needed to get some more fuel, so we went ashore. They didn't have any so we had drinks at the cafe instead. Dad was a bit concerned about our boat bumping into the other boat moored there, so we left. We arrived at Double Cove. There was even windier and the people who owned the bouy were coming back. We are now in Waterfall Bay. We found the waterfall but it is absolutely tiny. It is kinda windy here, but not as bad as the bay we were in last night. In the middle of all of this, the dinghy flipped over three times while we were under way, and the boathook broke (the plastic hook bit snapped while turning the dinghy right way up). we have now settled down in a pleasant place and we are looking forward to going into Picton tomorrow.
The Croc
The Croc hunter
The Dinghy