Wet and Warm 39 42.5N: 49 06.4W
Mon 9 Jun 2014 16:33
A good run over night, still got head winds, of
course, but two long ans two short tacks kept me on course just north of the
main GTulf Stream current. I hoping to pick up an identifiable eddy
(39.5North 50.5West) in the stream which fgive me a westerly push. At
the present rate I'll be there in aboput 12hrs, I hope it waits for
Today is grey and wet. At 7 oclock this morning the
wind started to mess around and kept changing direction. At force 3
(12kts) I had to respnd to it's every whim. The only problem it was
rainingf, bnot cold but absolutely pouring down. It went on for 3 hours,
and of course every time I went on deck the wqet gradually penetrated deeper
until I was absolutely soaked. In the end I ended up wearing a very wet
jacket over a very damp fleeceand nothing b elow the waist except my sandals.
When I got bacxk in the cabin each time I took off the wet things
and toweled myself down. I must say putting the wet stuff on again was not
pleasant but that way I kept warm. I actually filled a couple of my watwer
b ottles, not thatr I'm short of water but it seemed such a waste, that lovely
cle3an rainwater!
It certainly a different trip from last time, not
much sun and no free sailing but always beating against it. Also I'm furthwer
south this time, maybe it is because we earlier this year, mind you at the rate
I'm going I'm unlikely to arrive any earlier
You can see what the weather is like by the
Love Poppa/Dad/Roger