Sunny weather 39:03.1N 58:32.2W

Sun 20 Jun 2010 20:57
Day 28
The weather is really much more pleasant down here even if the wind was fickle all day, (managed to get a few jobs done though, gave the galley a good bottoming)fading to nothing by evening. This made ET quite demanding thro the night and day.I had expected the calm spell on Sunday but it arrived early, a few hours before dark.  I planned to check the tension of the riggfing and the bend the mast and I reckoned I had just enough time to do this before dark.
On examination of the port shroud I found to my dismay 3 more strands had parted.  Nevertheless acting on advice I had received I tightened all the shrouds to make the mast very tight and the prebend in the mast remained within the manufacturers guide lines.  I then rigged two 4:1 mast supports on the port side so that they did not push on the shroud when tightened, which the first one did and may have contributed to the additional wire failures.It was just dark when I finished and a beautiful night with a half moon.  We had drifted a few miles north while I was doing this but I set her going west anyway.
Day 29
I set the alarm and wearily lay down for a short sleep. Shortly after I went to sleep the chart plotter spontneously rebooted itself (11th time!)and turned off the alarm and turned the radar.on  I awoke 6hrs later (not 90 mins later, my carcadiane cycle time) in complete darkness, all systems down, I reasoned it must be flat batteries  as we have had light winds insufficient to drive the wind generator so I started the engine, systems restored,  The dammed plotter with no alarm the Radar scanner had been on for nearly 6 hours, ran the engine for 4hrs, and then the wind filled in sufficient to drive the wind generator. I have now disconnected the radar. Also in that 6 hours I was driven further north and am in the Gulf Stream currently doing 4kts through the water but less than 2 over the ground. I spoke to Rory on Cooking Fat at midday and learnt that while I was drifting north he had sailed ahead west and had little effect from the Gulf Strem. It was a beautiful sailing day with wind and sun and I have spent the whole time trying to break free of the Gulf Stream. You can see from the position above at 2200hrs I've not trvelled far.
Things that are different about the Gulf Stream, apart from the fact that iot is going in the wrong direction
  • There are no birds, the Albertroses, frigates and petrols have all disappeared
  • There is lots of seaweed floating by
  • Its very warm
  • The vast blue sea and sky
  • And the dolphins came to play off the bow today