Leaving Newport
I think the gods are still playing
with me as one of my correspondents said to me. I have made representations to
the insurance company to have ET repaired in the
A larger ship is being directed here
for the 30th when it will pick up this big yacht and gather up a couple of
others and the minnows like me. The chance of sailing back with ET on this
ship, I was assured, was much better because of the size and I would know for
certain on Monday 19th.
The 19th came and the answer was still no. I did feel that if I leaned on I might
get the trip however pressures from home encouraged me fly back straight away.
So sadly I will leave I have been kept quite busy here at
Newport Yacht Club: Every time a jester comes in, and there have been six since
I arrived, we have to attend a Presentation of the City Medal, which is very
nice and proper; there’s a BBQ night every Tuesday and Wednesday and a dinner on
Friday. Then the Jester skippers tend to eat together on the other evenings
recalling our adventures both real and imagined. Plus, of course, I have had
several exchanges with the insurance Co with regard to my collision with Breton
reef and discussions with four repair shipyards both here and in the
When I arrived I had to shorten my belt by three notches and now I am just about ready to let one out so it must be doing me good here. The salt sores on my back side took about 10 to 14 days to heal up but the skin on my hands is still hard while that on the soles of my feet is peeling off. Since I have been here we have had an official heat wave 5 days above 90˚F (I think its 5 days), dramatic thunder storms and the temperature during the day has never dropping below 70˚F and usually over 80˚F
Newport people are extremely polite, they are courteous drivers, always stopping for you when crossing the road. Everybody who gives you a service, waitress, launch driver, bar tender etc are very helpful and equally polite but it is important to tip them regularly. Its not just for the tip though, they genuinely try to help you regardless. Hildi, one of the launch drivers put on a BBQ for the Jester skippers in her garden (with a swimming pool) and George and Marybeth Pike (George is an honorary Jester) gave us a beautiful meal at their house yesterday. We have free moorings which is boon in this very expensive place, we have been driven all over town to get spares and stores; in fact we could not have been treated better. Finally when I leave for Boston tomorrow Norm Bailey, Commodore of Newport Yacht Club, will give me lunch at his house and arrange for a driver to take me to Boston Airport. How about that for hospitality? Lastly; Rory, Cooking Fat, Igor, The
Grand and Tony, Triple Venture have all set off back and John Apps, Glayva left
this morning. Even with Alexei arriving our skippers evenings are getting a bit
thin. I've reached the stage where
I am ready to go home too and even to sail her back. This surprises me because when I arrived
here I was pleased that ET was being shipped back, how short our memories
are! In the present circumstances
I’m very glad she is being shipped back.
Also I’d quite like to be home for August and
Hey ho! Roger/Dad/Poppa |