Settling down 46:50.04N 13:07.43W

Thu 31 May 2012 21:20
Thursday evening{
The good ship Ella Trout is getting into her
routine, YES, believe it, Roger does have a routine. I ate when I was
supposed to and I got my afternoon sleep. Mind you I think I'll need it
because it looks as though the wind is going to be all over the place tonight
keeping me on the go!
I can't believe it; when I set my sails on port
tack i.e. wind coming over the port side, off the Lizard, I did not expect to be
on the same unbroken tack 4 days later. Yes I've weaved about a bit and
reefed the jib and main. but never set the sails on the other side. Maybe
that is why I got a surprise call at breakfast this morning 325 miles west south
west of Ushant (not sure about the spelling?). Paul Mead on Independence 2
had apparently been watching me slowly catch him up during the night and I
was about a mile behind when he called. Independence is a She31B, a boat I
really fancied when I used to race against them in Ella Trout 2. A boat I could
not afford at the time. It was great to have the unexpected company and we
sail together for many hours. I slowly pulled ahead and in afternoon I could
still see him but had no radio contact, maybe he was sleeping. By sun
down he was out of sight and it was just me and the sea.
And that's it! No wild life, no birds, When I
went across the Atlantic, further north of couse, there was usually birds for
company, I've seen one gannet. I've passed loads of fishermen on the
continental shelf so there must be fish?
Got to stop, the wind has changed I'm going NW
instead of SW.