On Line Again 38:27.1N 54:41.1W
Fri 18 Jun 2010 12:16
Day 27
Fingers crossed I am back on line. We've had
a couple of sunny days and it seems to have dried out my invertor (12 to 240
volts) and I can now charge my computor and various other devices.
One or two messages:
Hello Patrick in Moscow,
Grandma tells me you and your
class are following us across the Atlantic on a computer in class. How is
that leg, I hope it is improving fast.
Yes Mary we celebrated passing the Titanic with
Tasmanian cake.
Got your test email David.
B & J hot dinners very good when cooking can't
be done.
I gather Elaine and Paul have been doing an
excellent job keeping you all up to date, they have also kept me informed
of the weather and how the other Jesters are doing.
One thing we did not mention was the damage we
suffered during the gale on day 24 (15/6/10). Two wire strands parted
on the port lower shroud and one on the starboard lower shroud. I had a
very worrying night following this discovery and the next day Elaine and
Paul made urgent calls for help and advice. Eric and George were
particularly helpful along with advice from professional riggers. As a
result I am sailing conservatively, avoiding slams and shocks as much as
possible and have fitted a brace to the mast on the port side, that's the tack I
am on at the moment. I shall rig a brace on the starboard side as well and
hopefully nurse her home. About 800 miles to go.
Got to go and do some baling now, I think the water
is getting in around the mast step.