Whitehall Bay, Annapolis, Maryland

38:59.84N 76:25.61W Wednesday 19th September We made an early start so that Sarah could take advantage of the fresh water supply to have another go at our grubby waterline – downside of the Chesapeake, whilst I set off into the city to have another go at visiting Customs and Border protection. My trip was a resounding success and confirmed the good news about how we can renew our Cruising License next May. Once we had sorted ourselves out, we bade farewell to our Canadian neighbours and headed off south again towards Annapolis. We had a light wind, but with the need to cover 20 odd miles we ended up motor sailing using the jib downwind. We passed under the huge William P. Lane Jr. Memorial bridges that span the Patapsco River and made our way gingerly into the beautiful, but very shallow Whitehall Bay on the northern bank of the Severn River. Here we had a huge and perfectly flat anchorage completely to ourselves with just a couple of palatial mansions with vast grounds as neighbours. As ever there was a great wifi signal and if there is anyone reading this who does not yet have a WirieAP system on board, I recommend you get one soon! We sat out and enjoyed a lovely warm sunset and enjoyed the absolute silence – in marked contrast to the previous two nights in downtown Baltimore. |