Two more tuna.

Rob & Sarah Bell
Thu 24 Sep 2009 19:12
Wednesday 23rd September
End of the Turkish bank holiday so we were up early to visit a few companies
to see about getting work done.
This was not a total success, but we did at least end up getting an
appointment for tomorrow afternoon for a visit from the manager of the firm
that everyone seems to rate round here (Demir Marine).
We set off around 10.00am for Ekincik Bay to rendezvous with Anthony on his
flotilla boat and were about halfway there when he phoned to offer the
alternative venue of Ciftlik bay which was fine by us. Very little wind
still and so we were motoring along happily when the fishing rod began to
bend under the weight of a fish. Great excitement all round again, but once
more this was a foot-long tuna so reluctantly we put him back. 30 minutes
later we had another, but this one too was barely a foot long. Now, either
all the young ones are very hungry or we keep catching the same poor chap!
Reached the rather pretty bay at Ciftlik and anchored off the beach, despite
the urgent requests from various Turkish restaurant owners (indicated by
frantic waving of large flags and flicking of ropes to create a big splash)
to moor on their pontoons which although free, does commit you to eating at
their restaurant.
Around 2.20pm Anthony and Alex arrived and anchored next to us and came
aboard for tea. We reconvened around 6.00pm for drinks, again on Serafina
and then rowed ashore for a very nice meal and evening at one of the
restaurants. Trudged back along the beach later to where we had left the
dinghy and rowed back for a nightcap.
Very little wind, but a slight swell ran all night making the anchorage
quite rolly.