Intermezzo: crossing the Atlantic on Freedom, a Bali 4.8 catamaran

Around the Atlantic: ✔ Next stop: Circumnavigation
Ron Noordhoek
Fri 21 Jan 2022 13:47

16:53.24N 24:58.59W


Thursday, January 20th 2020, Lisbon Portugal
On my way to Mindelo, Säo Vincent, to join Nicole, John and Alex to help them to get Freedom across the Atlantic.
A really nice trip and opportunity to ‘explore’ the route again before sailing Amanzi across on our route to the Pacific :-)
Plan is to set sail tomorrow. Hopefully by then my bag with all my clothes resurfaced.
Apparently it didn’t make the flight to Lisbon.
Fingers crossed


Friday 21 January 2022, Mindelo Säo Vincente
Arrived in Cape Verde, except for my suitcase that is… but they promised me it would get in today.
As soon as I have it, we’ll go. Plan is changed a bit. What’s new:-)
We’ll be heading for Barbados as the owners want to cruise the Caribbean before going up to the US VI’s.
Never been there before, so that’s all fine with me.




