
Corme is not the picturesque village we sort of expected so we decided to sail to Vigo the same night. After Rutger had got us some nice croissants from the village, we walked around a bit, sat on the beach for a while and did some shopping for dinner – when siesta time was over… Just as Rutger picked up Andy and me with the dinghy, we saw the local police launch theirs and soon after they came on board. Andy and Rutger were asked to give some more detailed information about the collision, especially about the visibility and the distance between the two vessels. Anyway, Andy had to write down and sign a second statement and that was it. We had another great dinner cooked by Andy and I went to bed. We’d leave at the start of my watch at 11 pm. The trip to Vigo is about 120nm, so we would then get there around noon or so. The wind was quite fresh when we left, about 25 kts, so was the swell. However, on a broad reach we did hit the 10.6 kts ground speed, towing the dinghy. Later the wind decreased to 15 kts and after the gibe, the swell was pretty much gone, which made it a bit more comfortable ride. |