Sunday 2-7-17

Basil Panakis
Sun 2 Jul 2017 11:27
44:23.6 N 12:51 W Baro 1030.6 steady, W8-10kt NNW, C60C,
What a contrast today, wall to wall grey and damp. Very little wind, speed
less than 2 kt. Had a shave, peeled potatoes etc
Well done Guy. Did you go up to TRSC?
On Saturday, I fancied a spaghetti bolognese had a beer with it too. It is
a lovely day wall to wall blue skies, not a cloud in sight. Wind 13/15 kt abeam,
straight on course. Some puffy clouds pm.
Len would you please check with Mike of Pantaenius whether my current 3rd
party insurance will revert to full cover once I am within the 200 NM limit, as
it happened on previous occasions? I should have checked from the Azores. Mike
is on my spot list.
Dr Pedro, thanks for checking the blog regarding my dental progress.
Everything is back to normal.
Yesterday I gave myself a haircut, it started with a 3 and I made a mess of
it, went down to 1 probably and now looks OK though it is a bit too short.
Finished the 5th book, PD James’s The Lighthouse, you can tell she is old, the
language is very old fashioned! Literature?