
Basil Panakis
Wed 3 May 2017 14:02
23:13 N 61:12.6 W position 0600 this morning 3-5-17
First AIS in days.
On Monday I held the bilge pump handle vertically in the cockpit to
ascertain whether the sun is north or south of me. My old compatriots by
checking the shadow cast by the stick could tell distances. Well I am north of
the sun’s zenith.
The seas are calmer and the wind lighter.
Today I finished the second book. The first one was Ewen’s ethnic cleansing
in Croatia. This second one “Hitler’s Canary”. I think at this rate I will have
to re-read the instruction manuals again.
I prepared this on Tuesday but could not make connection, today Wednesday
the 3rd of May my new contract , with mailasail should have been activated.
Tried it this morning nothing INVALID ACCOUNT tried again after midday still the
same. When their 3/5/2017 begin? I am stuck...I did not have much faith with the
others so I cancelled it, now the same cock up with these? I have no other means
of getting contact. The Iridium is useless as an emergency if mailasail don’t
click and do something about it